December 11, 2010

Acrylic vs CG

With this piece, i didn't know how to do it. I made a rough but i couldn't choose between CG and acrylic. I thought myself that i had to be testing some new ways of art-working, so i decided to paint it traditionally.

Finally, i was not satisfied and i preferred the rough one (and still do), so i decided to try it by computer. It's a little bit better but would need some more texture.


  1. acrylic acrylic !!! \o/ !!! Elle est très chouette en acrylique !

  2. Merci ^^ mais je préfère quand meme la version CG, j'ai besoin d'un peu plus d'entrainement en tradi!

  3. La première a un petit côté très Mary Blair je trouve! ça fait très très classe! J'aime!
